This blog talks about one advantage of Optional<>. It’s nothing fancy and just warps up pieces of code into a new class. Here comes the question: why should I use it? I can do all on my own! The following two example will demonstrate how to use Optional<> to express the idea of empty value and to prevent logical flaws.
Let’s start with simpler case: the binary search. This algorithm utilizes the order of the given list and searches the index of the target. If not found, -1 will be return. So far, so good. As -1 isn’t a valide value of indices.
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publicstaticintbSearch(List<Integer> list, int target) { intret= -1;
We can refactor the code with Optional<>. The logic here is simple. We need a variable to store the result, but it could be empty. The Optional<Integer> emphasised the target coulde not be in the list instead of putting a misleading -1.
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publicstatic Optional<Integer> search(List<Integer> list, int target) { Optional<Integer> ret = Optional.empty();
In short, this example shows how to take the advantage of Optional<> to express the uncertain or un-computed idea in coding.
However, this example cannot even convince me to use Optional<> anywhere. An agreement on -1 does work. Why should I use another box to do that?
Here comes the other example.
It’s a Java version solution for the set-covering problem on page 151 [1]. It tends to find the approximately letest stations covering all the states using the greedy algorithm. Everytime it goes through the map stations to find one that can cover most states in statesNeeded. Once founded, covered states will be removed from statesNeeded, and the station name will be put in finalStations. Repeat, until statesNeeded is empty.
Now, look at this code and tell whether it is robust.
Of course not. It just works fine with this input. The weakness is String bestStation = null;. In some scenarios, finalStations.add(bestStation); adds a null. If initialize bestStation with empty String “”, the case is the same, and it just replaces the null to “”. However, the set statesNeeded works as your intention. If statesCovered is empty, saying no element is going to be remove from statesNeeded, then statesNeeded stays the same. Because empty set is an identity element of set operations.
In most of the case, we need to filter out empty strings. Like this. Different from the binary search case, this time you may forget the filter operation.